Occurrence - Dancing with Tricksters: The Very Strange True Story of William F. Blume is more than a memoir—it’s a spellbinding journey into the...

William F. Blume
William F. Blume

William F. Blume, a self-made polymath driven by an insatiable curiosity for the unknown, is an everyman shaped by a life of hands-on work and self-education. Rooted in a lifetime where practical skills and grit prevail over formal training, he embodies a spirit unbound by convention. Over the years, Blume has effortlessly connected the practical and pragmatic within the extensive realms of science, philosophy, spirituality, and the occult. 

Blume’s storytelling style challenges the boundaries between fact and speculation. He draws heavily on decades of study and personal encounters with the extraordinary. His fascination with the UFO phenomena, cosmic mysteries, and existential questions finds its footing in a richly textured life spent wrestling with pragmatic challenges, all the while pondering the deeper mysteries of existence.

Through his writing, Blume extends an invitation to venture beyond the ordinary to uncover hidden connections that challenge and expand our understanding of reality. With a style that balances accessibility and depth, he seamlessly intertwines the extraordinary with the everyday, guiding his readers toward a perspective that bridges the tangible and transcendent.



"Anyone studying UFOs invariably hears countless stories from experiencers, all with their own unique perspectives. I cherish all of them. But I am especially struck by the clear sincerity and insight with which Blume writes. Those interested in contact with other intelligences will be drawn to the book for its subject matter; I suspect their true takeaway will be how Blume wrestles with the broader implications, which he tackles with a resonant poignancy."

– Joshua Cutchin, author of Ecology of Souls

"This book confronts the deepest of mysteries. It also tells a story. Within these pages is a man's struggle to make sense of the unknowable and how it transformed his life. Occurrence is told with remarkable clarity—the fear, turmoil, and awe of his experiences play out with profound creative power. UFO contact becomes a parable, a deeply personal challenge to face a lifetime of questions and memories. What emerges is a heartfelt testament of the human spirit."

– Mike Clelland, author of The Messengers

"If you take reality for granted and need a good slap to the face to return you to your senses of awe and wonder, this is the book for you. "Occurrence - Dancing with Tricksters" is a sharp reminder that we must persist in our efforts to expand our perceptions and consciousness because there are vast dimensional experiences awaiting our awareness. I am grateful to have been able to share vicariously in the mind-bending visions of this work, told in sensational detail and delivering a world unveiled."

– Maja D'Aoust, Witch of the Dawn, author of The Occult I Ching

Other Writing

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Occurrence: Dancing with Tricksters—The Very Strange Story of William F. Blume unfolds as a deeply personal and philosophical exploration into encounters with UFOs, non-human intelligence, and the nature of reality. Through a series of seemingly mundane yet increasingly unsettling events, Blume blurs the lines between the ordinary and the extraordinary, drawing readers into his...

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Not a Children’s Story It Occurred to me… In this latest post, I’m

It Occurred to me…

In this latest post, I’m determined to dispel what may be confusion surrounding my upcoming book, “Occurrence — the Very Strange Story of William F. Blume.” You may have come across the images introducing the various chapters, which could easily be mistaken for scenes from a children’s tale. However, I assure you, this is anything but a fairy tale or mythology.

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I Don’t Want To Believe… “The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself

“The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely.” — Carl Jung

(An excerpt from the final chapter of OCCURRENCE — The Very Strange Story of William F. Blume)

Finally, I understand that my story — Billy’s story — might seem hard, if not impossible, to accept. I leave that entirely up to you, the reader. I won’t subject myself to the challenges of cross-examination or endure any more ridicule than I’ve already suffered at the hands of those I’ve loved and trusted. My story is what it...

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Reach Out

Every story starts somewhere. Maybe it’s a quiet spark, an odd coincidence, or a question you can’t quite shake. If you’ve landed here, maybe it's more than a coincidence.

I’m open to hear from you. Share a thought, a memory, a story, or just say hello. The threads we weave often reveal patterns neither of us expect.

I can’t promise answers—tricksters don’t deal in absolutes—but I’ll meet your curiosity with my own. Let’s see where the path leads.

~ William F. Blume